Sunday, November 8, 2009


Ebbe Westergren- founder member of Time Travel , some 24 years ago, Louis from Western Cape, an educator , involved in Time Travel since 2006 and Gulshera Khan from Port Shepstone appeared live, a hour panel discussion. on Time Travel as a method of learning, reconciliation, healing , uniting us as South Africans and celebrating our heritage.

 In the audience were representatives from various regions involved in Time Travel, including Howard's Msomi's Bambata Drama Group from Umzumbe.


Bridging Ages South Africa was launched on this day in Western Cape. There are 8 persons on the committee. Details of the organisation will be soon blogged. The first meeting took place on 29 October 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009


1905 The harbour of South Shepstone, Natal ( today known as Port Shepstone, Kwa- Zulu Natal. -  A summary!

There are always people by the Umzimkulu river at the harbour mouth, Zulus, Indians, Coloureds and White Settlers.Today the people are waiting for the Umzimvubu steamer to arrive from Durban. Some need to buy groceries and flour. Others are called to work on the harbour wall. Today you can really feel the tension in the air. The colonial government has passed a law saying that each person has to pay a new tax on every head.

The reading of the proclamation of the text is interrupted by some people shouting:

"There is already too much of oppression. They took our land, they took our tradition and culture, now they take away our men and they want us to pay for it! It is enough"

There is a debate amongst the Indian indentured labourers and the Zulu labourers -- Is non violence is the right way to protest, follow Mahatma Gandhi's teaching  or should we take up arms.

Short Evaluation:
Our first Time Travel project was a resounding success. As a voluntary, non govt.  organisation,  finances, resources, costumes, transport, groceries were  challenges. Within 2 days, Ugu came to our aid as well as OSAK. We worked as a team, Ebbe and colleagues including our time travel sub committee members Every person  understood the relevancy of this project to our community, found the time to participate  and  responded positively. Full attendance  on a Sunday afternoon planning meeting is one example of the commitment by the 3 pilot schools: Marburg Secondary, Nobamba and Merlewood Secondary, including our local museum service and many other  community members.

3 months preceding the first time travel project, the team worked consistently on: oral history, research, site visits etc. Museum services from Pietermaritzburg was extensively involved in collating research material, including many other persons. that read , researched and made efforts to go the extra mile. We formed a study group and shared information on our local heritage sites. It is sad that so little is documented about the people of this region.

It was a project that far exceeded our expectation. The photographs speaks for themselves. Our idea of all 3 schools participating on the 3 days could not have been better planned. It brought about unity, understanding our background and history, skills and learning in different areas.  Above all an overwhelming YES for continuity.

 Minister of Arts and Culture, Ms Thusi is positive about this  educational method and acknowledged that museums should play a critical role in research, become community friendly and relevant. Meetings and presentation to the local Education Department on two days, once by Ebbe , followed by a presentation by the writer hereof was again welcomed by Mr. Sibiya and colleagues.

 A live panel discussion at SABC studios on Africa Views for an hour was documented.. This is just the beginning of the many future projects. We have now included Mlazi school to work with Marburg Primary school, extending the pilot project for 2010. Funding is a major hurdle but if we could have done it with limited finances once, nothing is impossible when we put our resources together. The evaluation by the learners, blogged below is self explanatory towards in-depth teaching in historic environments and Time Travel as an educational method in all learning areas. But this method goes beyond the learner and schools, for the first time there is a conscious effort in documenting our history from the bottom up perspective, in bringing about understanding, reconciliation, healing and sharing of resources.

In conclusion, Brian Dube from Ugu is thanked for all his efforts, including many educators, museum personnel and the wider community.

Howard Msomi's group was transported and accommodated in Johannesburg to attend and participate on Africa Views.  Financially supported by Ugu.

Thanking each and every person that made a contribution, not forgetting  our learners.

Gulshera Khan
Time Travel Co-ordinator


The impossible made possible by the community of Port Shepstone and KZN.  A model for intersectoral collaboration - formal and informal relationship with ordinary people.  A vibrant Ugu district that delivers and understand delivery.

Acknowledgement and Thanks
  • Brian Dube and Lindani Mzotho for their support , flexibility, availability of resources from Ugu District municipality. This includes financing of the project, water, tents, toilets over the 3 days.
  • Brian - Boat Man-- for 3 days at no costs , usage of his barge ( above) delivery goods for the start of the Time Travel
  • Ebbe, Helen, Meg and Laila for the leadership , direction and total commitment to our community. ( Kalmer Lans Museum)
  • OSAK for all your support- Sven Ake, Laila and Tormod Nesset for always placing us above all, for believing in our ability to deliver, including financial support.
  • Andrew Naidoo - for ensuring the goods were delivered daily on time. For all your support and willingness to help at any hour of the day.
  •  Provincial Museum Service: Mark Sole, Dolly Khumalo and Mark Coghlan-- for support and all the research.
  • Dr Vahed  of UKZN - for your professional inputs.( co-author - " Inside Indenture")
  • The 3 participating schools: Marburg Seconday, Nobamaba and Merlewood Secondary - for the total support and willingness to work beyond the call of duty-a total dedication.
  • Educators: Joe Venter, Prem , Johan Buys, Silvy Ragoobar, Prenesen, Dinah,Yugesh,,Judy, Radha, Marlene, Sizwe and Thembi of the 3 schools - for committment and working together united-- a recipe for future integration programme/s
  • Pauline Duncan, Tilana, Christa, Dell and other twinning members for support , assistance and encouragement.
  • Marion Wessels - for your help with research.
  • Penny and Sipho of Port Shepstone Museum Service -- the museum turned into a warehouse, meeting place , including research.
  • HCM for clearing of site.
  • Illovo Sugar Mill - for cash donation of R1200.00 and delivery of sugar cane on 3 days.
  • The business houses in Port Shepstone-- for delivery on time.
  • Minister  of Arts and Culture , Ms Thusi  for making the time to meet with us and acknowledging  the huge impact of this method in documenting our history and contributing to our heritage.
  • Howard Msomi and his drama group from Umzumbe -- for your participation and support.
  • Mr Sibaya and his colleagues  Department of Education. For acceptance of this method , for your time in making two presentation and acceptance of this learning method.
  • Ravi Pillay -- for guidance, resources and assistance.
  • Cookie Reddy and Thirushini - for supporting this project ( 150 years committee of indentured labourers)
  • The Fever - for publicity
Gulshera Khan   on behalf of Twinning and Time Travel Sub committee


Student Evaluation after their firsttime travel expereince:

I remember from the Time Travel how the different race groups were joining each other in numerous daily activities.

I learnt to speak freely and encourage myself to stand up for what’s right and what I believe in.
I learnt that fighting does not solve problems but causes more problems than solutions.
The dancing in a circle was fantastic, Indian dance and Zulu dance. We threw away all our differences aside and got into a trance.
This is something I will never forget.
Make Time Travel available to everyoneWe should never be afraid to speak up and share our opinions.

It was exciting when we gathered to eat and we raised our opinions about the poll tax and what was happening during the time.
Ilearnt to respect other race groups.
The Time Travel changed me from being an Indian to be a Zulu.
It is more fun to communicate with people than playing with technology the whole da
I want to take part in a Time Travel every Friday.
I really liked the tasty food.The time travel education was a great experience for me and for my mates.“
“I’m a different person after the time travel/ roleplay.”
I have a lot more self-confidence after the Time Travel.”
“The best of all is that I now communicate better with others than before”
The Time Travel has taught me to appreciate this historical area because there is a long story in the place
It learnt me respect myself and the other around me, it gave me courage"


Saturday, June 20, 2009


The overall programme was intense, with many impressions, new concepts and ideas. A programme that would have taken many meetings of planning and co-ordinating by the Co-ordinating Team in Sweden. Participants represented three countries,viz SA ( Port Shepstone, Western Cape and Potchestroom), Nicaragua and Uganda, A total of 12 delegates.

For the Port Shepstone delegation, the programme was comprehensive. In addition to the objective of this trip, this delegation had an insight on Twinning and was able to connect and address various other twinning initiatives, viz Soderhamn/ Ugu, Oskarshamn/ HCM etc

  • We started our journey with a visit to Soderhamn, a PSTA linked project. It was well worth this visit, a greater understanding of the interest that is widespread. This co-operation shall be supported and strengthen in the interest of future development in various fields. Soderhamn is planning a delegation to Port Shepstone in August. View report at:

  • SIDA CONFERENCE: It was interesting to note that international/ foreign issues and concerns are very much part of the educational curriculum in Sweden. The conference , in my opinion was a huge success in that it clarified current foreign policies. Although there appears to be a decrease in funding to developing countries, the people of Sweden know how important this co-operation is and must lobby with Government to strengthen this co-operation. Global warming, poverty and hunger cannot be ignored and issues surrounding democracy, HIV/Aids, gender and the present downtrend in the economy affects all. It is a responsibility of mankind to PAY IT FORWARD to future generation. In addition, our joint facilitation on Time Travel together with Bo and Linda, with us from SA ( Port Shepstone)Nicaragua and Uganda was a demonstration on how well we worked together. Olof Palme's legacy shall always be remembered.

  • Oskarshamn Visit: A week end visit to Oskarshamn demonstrated the strength of our twinning relationship. (Blogged,below). A mind blowing, emotional experience that will forever be remembered. To be respected, loved for who you are irrespective of gender, race or position and to be equally accepted is the foundation of this unique relationship.

  • Reports received indicated that the Presentation at Oskarshamn Commune meeting by the Oskarshamn Ambassador in Port Shepstone ( Gulshera)was positively received. It is documented in Oskarshamn Commune newsletter which is available on the net. This long relationship with Hibiscus Coast Municipality must continue in the best interest of both towns. This is an indicator for co-operation in development of towns and meeting community needs jointly by NGOs ( civil) and Govt. Institutions.

  • Time Travel: The experience in participating in 2 Time Travel activities further prepared us for our first Time Travel in Port Shepstone. It was clear that history is well documented in developed countries, history has to be researched in others and history documented from one perspective needs revisiting. Even within South Africa the process and progress differed vastly. In Port Shepstone, we will depend largely on our Museum Services, (Mark Sole) to undertake further research. In addition, the schools are involved in documenting oral history, the period 1900- 1930. Our first Time Travel will take place in October 2009. The TT committee has much work and will have to be focused in months preceding our first Time Travel activity. Delegateswill report at the next twinning AGM. Educators shall submit individual reports to their respective schools.

  • Please visit the WAY FORWARD for Port Shepstone Time Travel by EBBE- at the end/ or beginning of this blog. Scrawl right down.

  • Global Supplement: Our exposure to this programme, meeting and participating with the students in Time Travel clarified the programme content. It is always good to work with Bo. He and 6 students will participate in our Time Travel, live with families in Bhobhoyi and Marburg. Swedish students will attend school in school uniform (Nobamba and Marsec), and there might be a possible weekend stay in a deep rural community. The students will document their specific individual assignment for their final year school project.There is much preparation to be made in order for this project to materialise simultaneously with Time Travel and Global School Project. At the same time, Linda will take her students to Uganda.

  • Folkbilding: A new concept to us in SA. Andy, chairman of SASCA will link up with other participants in SA. SASCA will co-ordinate this project . A concept to be investigated and promoted.

In total, our trip to Sweden was intense and most empowering. We were exposed to every aspect of Port Shepstone's Twinning relationship with Sweden. Our every needs was attended to. Like always, we were made to feel very special and important. Our appreciation to every person from Soderhamn to Oland, including the entire delegation is thanked for every effort in making this trip most memorable. Time management, cooperation and commitment is the " key" to ensuring prefect co-ordination.

Comments and additions are welcomed.

Gulshera Khan - Time Travel Co-ordinator

On a personal note, many are thanked, from Tormod, Bo, Laila, Gunnar, Sven Ake, Linda, Ebbe, Helen and many others that helped with my trauma of the lost (stolen) passport and other essentials. This is what twinning is about. A caring programme.


18 - 21May Seminar on TT and Folkbilding, Farewell and Departure

18 May: Presentation by Gunnar. It was clear after his presentation that TT and Study circle are Folkbilding methods. Folkbilding is about individual growth, including societal change. " Each one teach one" method has proven to be huge success as participants in Folkingbilding do so on a voluntary basis. A unique concept to Sweden.
Participants are from 18 onwards- a lifelong educational method. Folkbilding are independent of the school system and not regulated. A " By the People for the People concept" It bridges the gap between school and university level. It is an empowerment programme that helps strengthen democracy. An informal, non formal, people centred and reflective approach- learning through experience.The history of Western Cape model was discussed. Folkbilding is part of ABF and the labour movement of Sweden. It is about change of society, ideas and empowerment.

There were many speakers, including Tormod on Twinning. It was interesting to note that Port Shepstone / OSAK relationship was the spring board and link for most contacts in SA, including Folkbilding in Western Cape, not forgetting Time Travel and Global School Journey. Bo Carlsson from ABF concentrated on Study Circle, as a teaching method and traced the history and development of Study Circle in Sweden. Staffan Roselius, University of Linskopping " Training Centre for Folk High School Teaches elaborated further on Folkbilding.

Bo concentrated on Global School and Global Supplement, an international project involving 4 to 5 thousand educators each year that participate in this programme in SA, Nicaragua and China . He further reported on the workshop facilitated at the SIDA conference - on Time Travel and commented on excellent team effort.

Ebbe focussed on Time Travel as a teaching method and enlightened the spread of Time Travel in 14 countries, hence the Bridging Ages Committee. The last conference was held in Western Cape. This years conference will take place in Finland. The latest country to be involved is Turkey.

There were presentations by participants from the respective countries on progress of Time Travel projects in their own town and country. Port Shepstone's presentation was undertaken jointly with the delegate present, highlighting progress, process and challenges. Our first Time Travel will take place in October 2009, involving all 3 pilot schools. Other participants will include Global School Journey and Global Supplement students.

In the afternoon, we departed to Kalmar where we met with the students that are participating in Global Supplement. The programme was evaluated. The students displayed a keen interest and is being well orientated by Linda and Bo. Bo will come to Port Shepstone in October and at the same time Linda will take her students to Uganda.

We had dinner together with Global Supplement participating schools - both educators and students. Port Shepstone delegation presented gifts to each and every person present.

N.B. It was further discussed to find creative ways of interchange with Uganda . Students will live with families.

19 May 2009
There were additional participants from Olof Palme and university institutes. We learnt that there are 44 projects by Olof Palme Centre in Soouthern Africa and the future is a concern in terms of continuation. SIDA is the key funder and rules and regulations in place are the guidelines to be followed.

It is interesting to note the keen interest in our country and development. A vibrant discussion during the morning session on the way forward. It was agreed that SA delegates meet on their own and develop our way forward.

This meeting was chaired by Joe. It was finally agreed that we link up with SASCA-(South African Study Circle Association) of which the chairperson, Andy was also a delegate. He was mandated to incorporate Folkbilding in the SASCA constitution, accept leadership and co-ordinate Folkbilding in SA. Time frame for feedback and progress is July 2009.

Late afternoon: It was an interesting session to listen to individuals input and evaluation. There was an overwhelming positive outcome with a definite YES to continue with future co-operation.

The evening of a wonderful gathering of many that were involved in the project. Sven Ake, Laila, Joppe and his wife, Emma from the museum, including the museum's president had all attended the Farewell Function- with music food and dance. A wonderful gathering for future Time Travel-- perhaps in 2050.

20 May 2009:
Gulshera accompanied the SA delegation from Western Cape and Potchestroom to Denmark. Train departed at 7am. Andy and Andre assisted her to the SA Embassy in Denmark. An adventure, finding the hotel and the Embassy. The Embassy was situated in another area. All this had to be accomplished in less than 1.15 minutes as the Embassy closes midday on a Wednesday. It was interesting to follow the GPS ( modern technology) as it led us on a longer route than the direction given by a shop assistant. A quite, hot day- no one we stopped for directions lived in the area. Joe, Presensen and Sizwe continued visits in Oland to Folkbilding institutions.

21 May 2009.
Andy and Andre left at 3am. Gulshera was overwhelmed to meet the Port Shepstone delegation, precisely at the time and place agreed upon.- at the airport in Copenhagen. They departed from Kalmer that morning

Time management, good communication and excellent transportation system is what we depended on without cell phones and computers. How did people survive over a decade or so

14-17 May (Thursday to Sunday)

Gulshera and Bo had taken an early flight o Stockholm, an appointment with the SA Embassy. A disappointment that the visa had to be collected at SA Embassy in Denmark - from the country of departure. However all paper work was completed with much help and kindenss from Embassy staff. We also had mentioned to the SA Ambassador about Black Sara and he did seem interested.

While the rest of the delegation visited Oland School and made presentation. They also visited a restaurant operated by the hotel school students. At 3pm Gulshera joined the delegation at Joppe's school. Jointly with the Ugandan delegation ( John and Stephen) attended a brilliant history lesson by Joppe.

Accomodation were with families, from Thursday until Sunday. Sizwe at Bo's home. Prenesen and Joe with Ingemu and Gulshera with Joppe's home for 2 nights and weekend with Ingemo. A further exposure to personal lifestyle, interesting discussions and time for oneself.

Friday 15- Visit to Lars Kagg Skolan. A fruitful meeting with Carl Peter Linden, the school principal. He presented the school's activities and programmes. We participated in lessons in Linda's class, visited the media centre- a project between this institution and ESayidi FET in Gamalakhe.

Saturday afternoon, back to Kalmer, meeting in town ( garden at Linda's accommodation) with Global Supplement students. Discussed future planning of the project both in Uganda and Port Shepstone. Gulshera joined Joe and Prenesen at Ingemo home.

Sunday: Morning shopping for family. During the afternoon,the entire delegation ( 2 countries) met again in front of Kalmer Castle and were led by our co-ordinators : Ebbe, Helen, Linda, Bo, Ingemu. A quick tour of the castle. Kalmar is an old city. Kalmar Castle is the visual image and symbol of Kalmar. There were many wars with the Danish. For further reference, read " The castle of Kalmarsund" by Anders Johansson.

A visit to the cemetery where we only located Sara's daughters grave. We were further exposed to old buildings of Kalmer. An afternoon trip to other time travel sites that have been reconstructed.

We returned to Kackelstugan that evening, immediately after dinner we participated in a mini seminar on Folkbildning by Gunnar. No Time wasted!

May13 Time Travel at Eketorp, Southern Oland, 425AD

We were joined by learners, 9 and 10 years old. Ingemo had driven us early that morning.
In the iron age,Oland was central area in the southern part of the Baltic Sea. In the biggest house in the above fort, chieftain Frarad lives with his wife Gudrun. The island was attacked. Many people flee their farms to seek refuge at the fort. The chief is the one to decide who will stay. Battle continues.
The children came from farms nearby. The visitors, us from Sheppie, Uganda and Nicarangua are people from the continent with experiences from big cities like Rome.Activities included: preparing food,blacksmith work, archery, practice with weapon , building.
The TT was most enjoyable and the children were good participants, well prepared. Again, the concept and participating in actual TT helps prepare us for our TT in Port Shepstone in October. TT is part of the curriculum and activity of the schools in Oland and Kalmer. This needs to be incorporated in our curriculum.
Lunch was at a restaurant, most southern tip of the Oland. On our return, we stopped to view graves from different periods in history. Well preserved. A quick stop at a small village at 5pm for passport photos. An opportunity otherwise that would not have expereinced, had it not being for this project. We were priviledged to be selected.

12 May- Time Travel - 1863 in Kalmer

Early start at 7am. Paricipated in a Time Travel activity with students from Global Supplement, some interns and educators, Dan, Ingemo and Joppe, including Bo and Linda and museum personnel, Ebbe and Helen together with support staff.

Much preparation before the Time Travel is undertaken -a mammoth responsibility.

"Above is the exact scene -in 1863, May 12 when Oscar Alarik Forssman held several meetings about the expedition to Cape Colony and the Boer Republic Transvaal. Today, Mr. Forssman has invited the citizens in Kalmar to a meeting outside the public laundry, a place where people normally gather.

Mr Forssman needs forty people to go with him, but only the best and the fittest will do. He started a business in the town of Potchefstroom, in SA. If you want a better life, Potchefstroom was the place. The contract was for 3 years. He asked the British Consulate and a rep from the Transvaal to inform about the situation in SA. They sent 45 people to give this information. Some people think that this might be a chance to get away from the harsh life as a farm hand or a maid in Kalmer. On this day, anyone that is interested can get a free health examination. He would not accept criminals, disabled persons but only those that can work hard and have skills such as blacksmith, woodwork, girls can do textile,cook and clean. People were curios about SA. There were many questions, like living conditions etc.

Mr. Forssman brought two Black ladies to Kalmer. No one ever had seen a black person before. How do they look, feel etc. There being much povery in Sweden during this period. All interested had to sign up for the expedition"

Evaluation in the afternoon at the museum. Some Comments:
Students were excellent participants. The TT was an eye opening experience and it helped with our understanding of the concept. Black Sara was compared to Sarah Bartman. She never returned to SA, was pregnant when she left. Both she and her daughter are buried at the Kalmer cemetery, next to the castle. It was felt that this might not have been her real name, that she was humiliated being in Kalmer, she probably felt " out of place", a different language and environment etc. That it is important to research further and possibly investigate and lobby about her remains to be brought back to Potchefstroom, where she belongs.
While waiting for our vehicle to arrive, Helen had taken the Sheppie delegation on a tour. Saw the castle and some historic sites. On route, we came across a boat with SA flag. It was and is always exciting to meet people from SA.
On our return to Kalkelstugan, we had a short presentation about the establishment and Folkbilding. A day full of impressions and new ideas. Retiring late and early departure the next day.

Monday , 11 May 2009

At 7.00am we were fetched by Laila and Stig Persson, an old twinning friend. Kalmer, approx 80km from Oskarshamn south. We were reunited with the entire delegation from the 3 countries. It was exciting to meet those , from the museum that someof us had an opportunity of previous acquaintance , including Helen. Ebbe presented the programme and outlined the weeks activities. There was a tour of the museum. We were handed our costumes for the next days Time Travel Activity.

Above: Marlon from Nicarangua as jovial and positive as always.

The presentation at Oskarshamn was at 6pm. It was a rush , drive back to Oskarshamn after the days event. John and Stefan from Uganda were compasssionateand supportive.

The presentation, it would appear was well received by the Commune and many Twinning friends were present. We proceeded to have dinner with the officials of Oskarshamn and friends. We were presented with gifts and headed back to our accomodation in Oland - at Kakelstugn at 11PM by Bo Hellstrom - a friend indeed to Port Shepstone.

N.B. Bo and Laila for is thanked for caring and in ensuring that Gulshera received her chronic medication. Bo had taken over the responsibility from Tormod in assisting Gulshera to secure a temporary passport. This is the unique relationship in twinning - supportive, understanding and caring , a deep committment to one another.

9- 10 Oskarshamn

We arrived late Saturday afternoon after travelling for approx. 5 hours from Stockholm together with Marlon, John and Stephen. We departed our ways. They proceeded to Oland while we from Sheppie were dropped off in Oskarshamn. This is where the twinning originated and expanded since 1995. It was really home coming, nostalgic experience to reflect and be accomodated at Folk High School. As always, Tormod was there to welcome us and take leadership in co-ordination for the week - end programme together with our many friends that we got to know over a decade.

That evening we had dinner at Ingebrog and Kai's place. It was exciting to be reunited with HIV and Aids delegation from back home. Lynne and Christa together with two ground breakers. At dinner, Laila, Ulla Maria, Gunila B, Stefan Windh, Tormod,Ritva and many others welcomed us. Kai was kind to hand Gulshera a bag replacing the stolen one.

Early next morning, Carl Bloom, well known friend to Port Shepstone (joined byHelena, Tormod Ingeborg and Kai, Andreas and Rebecca -young leaders and twinners together with Lynne's delegation) gave us a guided tour of the old town of Oskashamn that is preserved beautifully from 1800 - railway line construction, churches to beginning of 1900 with electrical power stations up to 1990 with high tech renovation, building. Oskarshamn was founded in 1856, a town centre of boat construction. Besvaret and Fynket, narrow cobbled , original street, well preserved with wooden building still occupied.The longest wooden bench was built in 1867- 72 metres where the young generation still enjoy their free time that overlooks the harbour.

N.B. Earlier that morning, Tormod had taken Gulshera shopping to purchase essential items that was in her stolen bag. A short visit to his home to make the necessary calls to the Embassy to start the process of getting a temporary passport.

Picnic Lunch at Stenjo By took us back in time. The village itself , 18 and 19the century, open landscape, wooden fences, red - wooded building and gravel road was peaceful and in harmony with nature and its surrounding. Our friends that came along to the picnic was the highlight of our trip ( especially to the PSTA committee members) and introduction to new members present. In addition to the others that accompanied us that morning to the old town walk, Lars and his wife, Ake and his wife, Laila , not forgetting our dear Sven Ake joined us. It was a day full of beautiful memories and recollection of this wonderful relationship.

Afternoon tea at Ritva's and her husband's- art exhibition home. She and her husband pay detail attention to their painting and are well recognised.

A short hour back to our accomodation before dinner at Laila's place.

A long evening as Gulshera had to redo her powerpoint presentation, a presentation that she had to deliver the following evening at Oskashamn Commune. Sometime past midnight - the other delegates also assisted, including assisting with other chores. A team effort, appreciated.

In all, the week end at Oskarshamn was packed with " TIME TRAVEL" activity. Much appreciated and dear to us in Twinning.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


6 May 2009 After an intensive morning programme at Soderhamn, we arrived Arlanda airport train station late afternoon to a warm welcome by Bosse and Linda. On our way to Stockholm, we were stuck in a traffic jam, a reminder of Durban peak hour.

We were taken to the Olof Palme Centre, where we were united with the entire delegation from SA (Andre, Andrew,Andy, Vanessa and Fanie), Nicaragua- .Marlon and Ugandans-John and Stephen Gunnar Alderstam was the other co-ordinator. We were introduced to the Olof Palme Centre's activities, being a major funder to the twinning project over 15 years.
On our way to the hotel, we visited the exact site where Olof Palme was assassinated and his burial site, an emotional experience to those that connected with the mammoth role he played in assisting SA with its liberation.

We enjoyed pizza for dinner and accommodation was the Scanic Hotel in Stockholm.

Thursday / Friday 7 and 8 May 2009
The group was divided - The Sheppie , Nicaragua and Uganda delegates were involved in the SIDA Conference. The other delegation from Western Cape and Potch (SA) had joined Gunnar and were exposed to Folkbilding and museums.

Thursday morning, -up early and taken to SIDA Centre, there we met with a huge delegation from Uganda. We went immediately into preparation with Bo and Linda for the Time Travel workshops that we jointly undertaken.

There were approx. 250 delegates to the conference, mostly educators. Marlon and Gulshera was joined by a representative from Uganda, made presentation on their educational experience and history from a developing country perspective. A nervous experience seated in presence of many and answering questions from the floor.

Jointly as a united team from Sweden, SA, Uganda and Nicaragua - we workshopped the Time Travel method on two days to approximately 30 participants per day. It was well received . Both, Bo and Linda made an excellent presentation, simplified and concise so everyone was able to understand the concept and theory.

The presentation by Minister Gunilla Carlsson - Swedish Foreign Ministry gave us an insight of Sweden's work at international level, including funding. However, it would appear that funding from SIDA will be reduced to SA and Nicaragua.The various presentations: Education in the world today, personal experiences, Global School Programme, the various small workshops were an enlightening experience.

Friday afternoon, we were jointed by the other delegation and visited the Vaasa Museum -On 10 August 1968. the Vaasa set sail on her maiden voyage and sank in the harbour. The wreck was salvaged in 1961 . The ship was restored to 95%. Today, the museum is an international tourist attraction.

Across to Old Stockholm by ferry. The walk through the entire old city, small shops and alleys, the castle and the building of Nobel Peace Prize is held was a highlight.

Saturday morning: Ready for departure to Oskarsham. Gulshera packed and at breakfast went to fetch her tea and within that minute , her bag- a few steps away was stolen. A shock to all, with the knowledge that Sweden is rather a safe country. A lady from Iceland was an eye witness and identified the suspect in the hotel camera that was handed to the police.

Saturday, June 6, 2009



Aspects of orientation: Time management, preparation by the previous delegates, research at the museum, Democracy- by Ravi Pillay, HIV and Aids by Toffie Khumalo and general preparation on being good ambassadors for our town and country. Packing and luggage weight and size were also highlighted by Lynne Footit. Confirmation of membership by schools and delegates.

Joe: The passport issue was a major logistical preparation.Three of the four had not traveled internationally before.

Sizwe: Very excited to be traveling by plane for the first time.

Prenesen: Looking forward to meeting people from other countries.

Gulshera: To reconnect with all all projects, partnerships and identify a way forward. To deepen understanding of Time Travel, Global Supplement and Folkbilding. To promote Oskarhsamn and Port Shepstone co-operation. To finalise school project between Soderhamn and Ugu. Have discussion on Triangle/ Democracy projects. Re-establish many links and meet with friends over a decade of co-operation.

As usual, Pauline wishing the delegation Bon Voyage. Much Appreciated.

THE DEPARTURE FOR SWEDEN (3 MAY 2009). Agreed to meet at Biltong and Braai at 10am. Rain and Sizwe’s car trouble caused nervousness.Made it to Durban on time. Checking in process went smoothly. Families were present to see us off.

Flight 1: British Airways commissioned Comair flight at 13h30 from DBN to JHB.Challenge encounted when main luggage was switched with hand luggage (Joe) and this had to be rectified.
Flight 2: JHB to Munich with SAA Airbus Checked in early and had time to relax. Boarded flight at 20h40. Sizwe was very excited and couldn't sleep because of excitement.

Flight 3: Munich to Arlanda, North of Stockholm. Collected luggage and were relieved that all luggage arrived. Pink ribbons around bags proved to be an important factor when identifying and collecting bags in a hurry. Then rushed of to collect train tickets from Sky City.Made our way down to the subway, and cold conditions greeted us. Confirmed our tickets and destination with other passengers. Getting our 7 bags onto the train was a mammoth task. Gulshera could not carry her bags as her right arm was injured a few days prior to departure.

Our 2 days from 4 to 6 at Soderhamn was a programme on its own, very intense, educational and exciting . For a comprehensive report, view at

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


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